class DAQJobHandleStats (config: DAQJobHandleStatsConfig,
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class DAQJobHandleStats(DAQJob): """ Handles statistics for DAQ jobs. This class is responsible for consuming and processing DAQ job statistics messages. It extracts relevant statistics from the messages and stores them. """ allowed_message_in_types = [DAQJobMessageStats, DAQJobMessageStatsRemote] config_type = DAQJobHandleStatsConfig config: DAQJobHandleStatsConfig _stats: dict[str, DAQJobStatsDict] _remote_stats: dict[str, DAQJobRemoteStatsDict] def __init__(self, config: DAQJobHandleStatsConfig, **kwargs): super().__init__(config, **kwargs) self._stats = {} self._remote_stats = defaultdict() def start(self): while True: start_time = self.consume() self._save_stats() self._save_remote_stats() sleep_for(DAQ_JOB_HANDLE_STATS_SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS, start_time) def handle_message( self, message: DAQJobMessageStats | DAQJobMessageStatsRemote ) -> bool: if not super().handle_message(message): return False # Ignore if the message has no supervisor info if not message.daq_job_info or not message.daq_job_info.supervisor_config: return True if isinstance(message, DAQJobMessageStats): self._stats[message.supervisor_id] = message.stats elif isinstance(message, DAQJobMessageStatsRemote): self._remote_stats[message.supervisor_id] = message.stats return True def _save_stats(self): def datetime_to_str(dt: Optional[datetime]): if dt is None: return "N/A" return get_unix_timestamp_ms(dt) def unpack_record(record: DAQJobStatsRecord): return [ datetime_to_str(record.last_updated), record.count, ] keys = [ "supervisor", "daq_job", "is_alive", "last_message_in_date", "message_in_count", "last_message_out_date", "message_out_count", "last_restart_date", "restart_count", ] data_to_send = [] for supervisor_id, stats in self._stats.items(): for daq_job_type, msg in stats.items(): data_to_send.append( [ supervisor_id, daq_job_type.__name__, str(msg.is_alive).lower(), *unpack_record(msg.message_in_stats), *unpack_record(msg.message_out_stats), *unpack_record(msg.restart_stats), ] ) self._put_message_out( DAQJobMessageStoreTabular( store_config=self.config.store_config, keys=keys, data=data_to_send, ) ) def _save_remote_stats(self): keys = [ "supervisor", "is_alive", "last_active", "message_in_count", "message_in_megabytes", "message_out_count", "message_out_megabytes", ] data_to_send = [] # Combine remote stats from all supervisors remote_stats_combined = defaultdict(lambda: SupervisorRemoteStats()) if ( self._supervisor_config and self._supervisor_config.supervisor_id in self._remote_stats ): for supervisor_id, remote_stats in self._remote_stats[ self._supervisor_config.supervisor_id ].items(): remote_stats_combined[supervisor_id] = remote_stats for remote_supervisor_id, remote_stats_dict in self._remote_stats.items(): # For each remote stats dict, combine the values for ( supervisor_id, remote_stats_dict_serialized_item, ) in remote_stats_dict.items(): # Skip if the remote supervisor id is the same as the local supervisor id or # other supervisors try to overwrite other supervisors if supervisor_id != remote_supervisor_id or ( self._supervisor_config and self._supervisor_config.supervisor_id == remote_supervisor_id ): continue # Convert the supervisor remote stats to a dict remote_stats_dict_serialized = msgspec.structs.asdict( remote_stats_dict_serialized_item ) # Set each value for item, value in remote_stats_dict_serialized.items(): if value == 0 or not value: continue setattr(remote_stats_combined[supervisor_id], item, value) for supervisor_id, remote_stats in remote_stats_combined.items(): is_remote_alive = - remote_stats.last_active <= timedelta( seconds=DAQ_JOB_HANDLE_STATS_REMOTE_ALIVE_SECONDS ) def _byte_to_mb(x): return "{:.3f}".format(x / 1024 / 1024) data_to_send.append( [ supervisor_id, str(is_remote_alive).lower(), remote_stats.last_active, remote_stats.message_in_count, _byte_to_mb(remote_stats.message_in_bytes), remote_stats.message_out_count, _byte_to_mb(remote_stats.message_out_bytes), ] ) self._put_message_out( DAQJobMessageStoreTabular( store_config=self.config.store_config, keys=keys, data=data_to_send, tag="remote", ) )
Handles statistics for DAQ jobs.
This class is responsible for consuming and processing DAQ job statistics messages. It extracts relevant statistics from the messages and stores them.
Class variables
var allowed_message_in_types : list[type[DAQJobMessage]]
var config : DAQJobHandleStatsConfig
var config_type : Any
Configuration class for DAQJobHandleStats.
def start(self)
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def start(self): while True: start_time = self.consume() self._save_stats() self._save_remote_stats() sleep_for(DAQ_JOB_HANDLE_STATS_SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS, start_time)
Inherited members
class DAQJobHandleStatsConfig (store_config: DAQJobStoreConfig,
verbosity: LogVerbosity = LogVerbosity.INFO,
remote_config: DAQRemoteConfig | None = <factory>,
daq_job_type: str)-
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class DAQJobHandleStatsConfig(StorableDAQJobConfig): """Configuration class for DAQJobHandleStats.""" pass
Configuration class for DAQJobHandleStats.
- StorableDAQJobConfig
- DAQJobConfig
- msgspec.Struct
- msgspec._core._StructMixin
class DAQJobMessageStats (stats: Dict[type[DAQJob], DAQJobStats],
id: str | None = <factory>,
timestamp: datetime.datetime | None = <factory>,
is_remote: bool = False,
daq_job_info: DAQJobInfo | None = None,
remote_config: DAQRemoteConfig = <factory>)-
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class DAQJobMessageStats(DAQJobMessage): """Message class containing DAQ job statistics.""" stats: DAQJobStatsDict
Message class containing DAQ job statistics.
- DAQJobMessage
- msgspec.Struct
- msgspec._core._StructMixin
Instance variables
var stats : Dict[type[DAQJob], DAQJobStats]
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class DAQJobMessageStats(DAQJobMessage): """Message class containing DAQ job statistics.""" stats: DAQJobStatsDict