class CSVFile (file:
last_flush_date: datetime.datetime,
write_queue: collections.deque[list[typing.Any]],
overwrite: bool | None = None)-
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@dataclass class CSVFile: file: TextIO last_flush_date: datetime write_queue: deque[list[Any]] overwrite: Optional[bool] = None
, last_flush_date: datetime.datetime, write_queue: collections.deque[list[typing.Any]], overwrite: Optional[bool] = None) Class variables
var file :
var last_flush_date : datetime.datetime
var overwrite : bool | None
var write_queue : collections.deque[list[typing.Any]]
class DAQJobStoreCSV (config: DAQJobStoreCSVConfig,
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class DAQJobStoreCSV(DAQJobStore): config_type = DAQJobStoreCSVConfig allowed_store_config_types = [DAQJobStoreConfigCSV] allowed_message_in_types = [DAQJobMessageStore] _open_csv_files: dict[str, CSVFile] def __init__(self, config: DAQJobStoreCSVConfig, **kwargs): super().__init__(config, **kwargs) self._open_csv_files = {} def handle_message(self, message: DAQJobMessageStoreTabular) -> bool: if not super().handle_message(message): return False store_config = cast(DAQJobStoreConfigCSV, message.store_config.csv) file_path = modify_file_path( store_config.file_path, store_config.add_date, message.tag ) file_path = os.path.join(self.config.out_dir, file_path) file, new_file = self._open_csv_file( file_path, store_config.overwrite, store_config.use_gzip ) if file.overwrite: file.write_queue.clear() # Write headers if the file is new if new_file or file.overwrite: file.write_queue.append(message.keys) # Append rows to write_queue for row in file.write_queue.append(row) return True def _open_csv_file( self, file_path: str, overwrite: Optional[bool], use_gzip: Optional[bool] ) -> tuple[CSVFile, bool]: """ Opens a file and returns (CSVFile, new_file) """ if file_path not in self._open_csv_files: file_exists = os.path.exists(file_path) # Create the file if it doesn't exist if not file_exists: # Create the directory if it doesn't exist Path(os.path.dirname(file_path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(file_path).touch() if use_gzip: file_handle = file_path, "at" if not overwrite else "wt", newline="" ) else: file_handle = open(file_path, "a" if not overwrite else "w", newline="") # Open file file = CSVFile( file_handle,, deque(), overwrite, ) self._open_csv_files[file_path] = file else: file_exists = True file = self._open_csv_files[file_path] return file, not file_exists def _flush(self, file: CSVFile) -> bool: if ( - file.last_flush_date ).total_seconds() < DAQ_JOB_STORE_CSV_FLUSH_INTERVAL_SECONDS: return False file.file.flush() file.last_flush_date = return True def store_loop(self): files_to_delete = [] for file_path, file in self._open_csv_files.items(): if file.file.closed: files_to_delete.append(file_path) continue writer = csv.writer(file.file) row_size = len(file.write_queue) if row_size > 0: writer.writerows(list(file.write_queue)) file.write_queue.clear() if file.overwrite: file.file.close() files_to_delete.append(file_path) continue # Flush if the flush time is up self._flush(file) for file_path in files_to_delete: del self._open_csv_files[file_path] def __del__(self): self.store_loop() # Close all open files for file in self._open_csv_files.values(): if file.file.closed: continue file.file.close() return super().__del__()
DAQJobStore is an abstract base class for data acquisition job stores. It extends the DAQJob class and provides additional functionality for handling and storing messages.
- A list of allowed store configuration types.
Class variables
var allowed_message_in_types : list[type[DAQJobMessage]]
var allowed_store_config_types : list
var config_type : Any
DAQJobConfig is the base configuration class for DAQJobs.
- The verbosity level for logging. Defaults to LogVerbosity.INFO.
- The remote configuration for the DAQ job. Defaults to an instance of DAQRemoteConfig.
- The type of the DAQ job.
def store_loop(self)
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def store_loop(self): files_to_delete = [] for file_path, file in self._open_csv_files.items(): if file.file.closed: files_to_delete.append(file_path) continue writer = csv.writer(file.file) row_size = len(file.write_queue) if row_size > 0: writer.writerows(list(file.write_queue)) file.write_queue.clear() if file.overwrite: file.file.close() files_to_delete.append(file_path) continue # Flush if the flush time is up self._flush(file) for file_path in files_to_delete: del self._open_csv_files[file_path]
Inherited members
class DAQJobStoreCSVConfig (out_dir: str = 'out/',
verbosity: LogVerbosity = LogVerbosity.INFO,
remote_config: DAQRemoteConfig | None = <factory>,
daq_job_type: str)-
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class DAQJobStoreCSVConfig(DAQJobConfig): out_dir: str = "out/"
DAQJobConfig is the base configuration class for DAQJobs.
- The verbosity level for logging. Defaults to LogVerbosity.INFO.
- The remote configuration for the DAQ job. Defaults to an instance of DAQRemoteConfig.
- The type of the DAQ job.
- DAQJobConfig
- msgspec.Struct
- msgspec._core._StructMixin
Instance variables
var out_dir : str
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class DAQJobStoreCSVConfig(DAQJobConfig): out_dir: str = "out/"